Belum lama ini saya menonton sebuat talk show kesehatan di tv berlangganan, The Doctors. Pembahasannya adalah mengenai membuat kosmetik sendiri di rumah. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan pun sangat sederhana, semua yang dapat kita temukan di dapur ataupun toko terdekat.
Recently, I have just watched a heath talk show on my cable tv, The Doctors. They're talking about making your own make up at home. The ingredients needed is also very simple, everything you could found in your kitchen or the nearest local store.
Ada beberapa kosmetik yang cara membuatnya sempat saya catat. Salah satu DIY yang sudah saya coba ulang di dapur saya adalah bronzer. Ya, bronzer salah satu jenis perias wajah yang sangat membantu kita para wanita untuk membentuk tulang pipi. Senjata andalan cewek chubby, berikut bahan dan cara membuatnya, selamat mencoba!
There're several cosmetics, which the ingredients and steps I could noted. On of this DIY that I already tried on my kitchen is bronzer. Yes, bronzer one kind of blusher that helps us, women, shaping the cheek bones. The ultimate weapon for every chubby girl, so here is the the ingredients and steps, have a try!
Recently, I have just watched a heath talk show on my cable tv, The Doctors. They're talking about making your own make up at home. The ingredients needed is also very simple, everything you could found in your kitchen or the nearest local store.
Ada beberapa kosmetik yang cara membuatnya sempat saya catat. Salah satu DIY yang sudah saya coba ulang di dapur saya adalah bronzer. Ya, bronzer salah satu jenis perias wajah yang sangat membantu kita para wanita untuk membentuk tulang pipi. Senjata andalan cewek chubby, berikut bahan dan cara membuatnya, selamat mencoba!
There're several cosmetics, which the ingredients and steps I could noted. On of this DIY that I already tried on my kitchen is bronzer. Yes, bronzer one kind of blusher that helps us, women, shaping the cheek bones. The ultimate weapon for every chubby girl, so here is the the ingredients and steps, have a try!
Bahan (Ingredients):
- coklat bubuk (chocolate powder)
- kayu manis bubuk (grounded cinnamon)
- wadah kosong (empty container)
- wadah kosong (empty container)
- Campur rata coklat bubuk dan kayu manis bubuk di dalam wadah tersebut.
Mix well chocolate powder and grounded cinnamon.
Mix well chocolate powder and grounded cinnamon.
- Tidak ada patokan khusus mengenai perbandingan coklat dan kayu manis, jika menginginkan warna yang agak terang maka gunakan lebih banyak kayu manis bubuk.
There's not exact comparison for the chocolate and cinnamon, if you want a lighter shades then you can put a lot more cinnamon.
There's not exact comparison for the chocolate and cinnamon, if you want a lighter shades then you can put a lot more cinnamon.
- Sebaliknya jila ingin warna yang lebih gelap, gunakan lebih banyak coklat bubuk.
Otherwise, if you want a darker shades, use a lot more chocolate.

Otherwise, if you want a darker shades, use a lot more chocolate.
- Voila, bronzer buatan rumah pun siap digunakan.
Voila, home made bronzer is ready to use.

Keuntungan dari bronzer buatan rumah ini salah satunya adalah bebas bahan kimia. Anda tidak perlu takut pada zat kimia yang seringkali merusak kulit. Selain itu, bronzer ini juga harum, perpaduan aroma coklat dan kayu manis senantiasa menempel di kulit wajah Anda.
One of the advantage of this home-made bronzer that it is free of any chemicals. You don't have to be afraid of the chemicals that too often harming the skin. In spite, this will give such a nice fragrant, from the fusion of chocolate and cinnamon on your skin.
trying to contouring cheek bones
Voila, home made bronzer is ready to use.
Keuntungan dari bronzer buatan rumah ini salah satunya adalah bebas bahan kimia. Anda tidak perlu takut pada zat kimia yang seringkali merusak kulit. Selain itu, bronzer ini juga harum, perpaduan aroma coklat dan kayu manis senantiasa menempel di kulit wajah Anda.
One of the advantage of this home-made bronzer that it is free of any chemicals. You don't have to be afraid of the chemicals that too often harming the skin. In spite, this will give such a nice fragrant, from the fusion of chocolate and cinnamon on your skin.
trying to contouring cheek bones