What I have seen from Malaysia is they taken a good care of the their old historical buildings, which make the city looks modern yet vintage at the same time. Bukit bintang itself is a chic area with the old and new buildings collaborating each other. There are so many shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur, and Bukit Bintang offers the best. Almost all of shopping mall in the area can you reach within minutes walking, yeah walking! So it is mall to mall to mall to shopping!
Among all the shopping malls in Bukit Bintang, a few catch my eyes and my shopping sense for sure. And here they are:
Lot 10
Don't worry about walking from mall to mall, the pavement is big enough for all of us
Lot 10
Lot 10 sangat mudah menarik perhatian Anda dengan warna hijau cerah dari arsitektur bangunannya. Tempat ini sedikt kurang mewah jika dibandingkan dengan Pavillion, tapi tetap saja pusat perbelanjaan ini cukup besar dan akan akan mudah menemukan semua toko-toko yang sedang tren seperti Zara dan H&M di sini. Saya menghabiskan waktu yang cukup 'berkualitas' (menurut pendapat wanita, tentu saja) karena sedang ada Malaysian Mega Sale ketika saya berkunjung ke Kuala Lumpur.
Lot 10 will easily catch your eye with its bright green color. This place is less upscale compare to Pavilion, but it still quite big actually and you could find all the trendy stores like Zara and H&M here. I spent a good 'quality' time here (in women's opinion, of course) because the Malaysian Mega Sale is happening when I was here in Kuala Kumpur.
Skyscraper with a gloomy sky, another reason to shop!
Pavilion Kuala Lumpur
Terletak di awal jalan Bukit Bintang, pusat perbelanjaan ini cukup mudah ditemukan. Saya tidak sempat masuk ke dalam, tapi mall ini cukup besar dengan display merk-merk ternama diluarnya. Dari Pull & Bear hingga Zara. Dari Marc Jacobs hingga TOD's. Semua yang Anda inginkan, fashion kelas atas hingga street wear.
Located at the start of Jalan Bukit Bintang, Pavillion is quite easy to spot. I didn't make it go inside, but this shopping mall is quite big with all those well-known brands display outside. From Pull and Bear to Zara. From Marc Jacobs to TOD's. All you need to find from high fashion to street wear.
The edgy woman's heaven, Sephora!
Bangunan Sephora terpisah dengan pusat perbelanjaan lain, hanya 2 menit jalan kaki dari Pavillion. Arsitekturnya sendiri terkesan edgy dan modern, terlihat sangat gaya. Ketika masuk untuk pertama kali, seperti yang sudah seharusnya, terasa seperti surga wanita. Semua rak terisi penuh dengan parfum, riasan wajah, dan perawatan tubuh. Saya bisa menghabiskan waktu seharian hanya untuk mencoba dan membeli barang-barang di sini.
Sephora has it own building separated with the other shopping malls, only 2 minutes walking from Pavilion. The architecture itself has an edgy - modern, looks so stylish. When I entered for the first time, just like it is always be, feels like women's heaven. With all those racks full of perfumes, make up, and body care. I would spent a whole day just to try and buy things here.
Low Yat Plaza
Plaza Low Yat merupakan pusat perbelanjaan perangkat teknologi informasi yang paling terkenal di Kuala Lumpur, sebagai perbandingan di Jakarta adalah Harco - Mangga Dua. Bangunan ini terdiri dari 7 lantai yang penuh dengan toko komputer dan gadget, tempat ini akan memuaskan rasa lapar Anda akan perangkat teknologi. Pastikan Anda membandingkan harga dari beberapa toko sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli. Harganya cukup bersaing dibandingkan di Indonesia. Setelah berjalan dari toko ke toko dan Anda merasa lapar, tak perlu khawatir, ada area kafetaria di lantai paling bawah. Saya mencoba sari tebu di sini, cukup menyegarkan setelah berkeliling dari toko ke toko selama berjam-jam.
Low Yat Plaza is the most famous IT Mall in Kuala Lumpur, as a comparison this is like Harco - Mangga Dua in Jakarta. Seven floor full of computer and gadget store, this place will feed your hunger about technology devices. You need to compare the price from several store before committing to buy things here. The price is quite good in comparing with the price range in Indonesia. After strolling from store to store and you feel hungry, no worries, there is an eatery section in the lower ground. I tried a sugar cane drinks here, quite refreshing after going around from store to store for hours.
Street performer I saw on my way back to the hotel
Enjoy the shopping sprees!
with a lot of shopping bags to carry,
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