Wednesday, November 16, 2011

How to Seduce a Leo Woman

You have your eyes set on a Leo woman? I can’t blame you one bit. She is surely a force to be reckoned with and a prize indeed. You must be ambitious because this woman demands to you rise to her occasion and be worthy of her presence. She is after all the Queen of the Jungle. If you cannot meet her requirements she can simply turn on her charm and find someone who can. Do not let her pass you up.

Your Lioness can be a dangerous woman. She has all the designs of a fixed fire sign and just cannot be stopped. She stalks her prey, plans an attack then pounces. There is no changing her mind or deterring her from her from her desire. Once she has locked her sights on something then by all means move the hell out of her way and fast.
She is determined and achieves all she desires but it is lonely at the top. A Queen with as much passion and spark as a Leo woman deserves a worthy consort. What will make you worthy? Recognizing that she is to be adored and worshiped and recognizing that she cannot be held down or kept at the back. You do not engage a woman of the fire signs to be your trophy, you engage a fire sign to conquer the world as your equal.

Before you attempt to pursue please be crystal clear that this will be no ordinary task. You must know exactly how to approach for it is THE most important thing you will do. A Leo woman is not easily impressed; she will laugh you right out the door. Keep in mind she sees herself as a Queen and can easily back up her point of view with her long list of achievements. She never just “thinks.” She absolutely knows–and you must too.

Confidence is the key to everything with her. Approach her with confidence and a bit of humility. Recognize her worth and tell her so. Flattery will get you everywhere with a Leo woman. They cannot get enough of your attention, compliments and flattery. When you ask her out, already have a game plan in mind. “I would like to take you …” She wants someone who knows where and when before they go.

Take her anywhere. She is a woman ruled by the sun so outdoor activities, weather permitting, are always good. Do not be afraid to take her to places that require a certain sense of class or style. Those are places she will likely feel more comfortable at. She likes a place that she can go and turn everyone’s head. She likes to show off, not only show herself off but also show her partner off. Make sure you are well dressed at all times. This first date will be everything so look great, speak well and focus on her.

She is a woman who knows how to highlight her worth, regardless of their financial or intellectual station. If she has $5, she will buy the best she can with that money and flaunt it like its gold. She knows she makes gold look good. She expects anyone that she dates to be able to as well. She will not even date anyone who isn’t as ambitious as she is. During your first date she sizing you up and will not hesitate to just leave you in the middle of the date if she isn’t happy. Do not give her a reason to! Ask what she wants in life and tell her yours. Tell her what you want to accomplish and how you plan on doing so. The more she sees you wave places to go and worlds to conquer, the more she will want to share her jungle with you.

Do not think that because you have a few dates with her that you are in and its smooth sailing from here. It could be a few months down the road or even two years. The second you let up and it doesn’t look like you are going to bounce back, she will bounce you. Once you come on then stay on, keep your best foot forward. She is not all business though; you can have fun with her. A lot of fun you will have once she trusts you are in her league.

You might be reading this and think that attracting the Leo woman is work. No, the work is in keeping her. Creativity goes just as far as flattery and praise. Keeping the relationship moving forward isn’t just business and ambition it is good times and fun. She isn’t beneath throwing a wrench into things for not only her own amusement but to gauge your reaction. Until that woman is married, she will always weigh her partner’s worth. She might even do so after marriage too.

I warned you that a Leo woman is a force to be reckoned with. There may be some hoops to jump through and there maybe days where you ask yourself why do I bother, but she is proof that nothing in this world worth gold is easy or free. She is the type that will make you a better person and even teach you something about yourself. She isn’t for the faint at heart or the passive aggressive. She is the one who wants everything that world can offer and is not afraid to work for it. So put up or shut up and keep it moving if you can’t hang with the stars. Your Lioness is worth the hunt, don’t ever let her go.

With a Leo you work hard and play even harder.

You and Yourself

I found this post on Tumblr, and it's kinda makes me feel happy and proud about myself. I hope you guys feel the same, enjoy reading :)

You are not your bra-size, nor are you the widht of your waist, nor are you the slenderness of your calves. You are not your hair color, your skin color, nor are you a shade of lipstick. Your shoe size is of no consequence. You are not define by the amount of attention you get from male, female, or any combination thereof. You are not the number of sit ups you can do, nor are you the number of calories in a day. Your are not your musthace. Your are no the hair on your legs. You are not a lilttle red dress. You are not amalgam of these things.

You are the content of your character. You are the ambitions that drives you. You are the goals that you set. You are the things that you laughs at and the words that you say. You are the thoughts you think and the things you wonder. You are beautiful and desireable not for the clique you attend, but for the spark of your life within you that compels you to make your life a full and meaningful one. You are beautiful not for the shape of the vessel, but for the volume of the soul it carries.