Monday, November 24, 2014

Home Made Bronzer

Belum lama ini saya menonton sebuat talk show kesehatan di tv berlangganan, The Doctors. Pembahasannya adalah mengenai membuat kosmetik sendiri di rumah. Bahan-bahan yang digunakan pun sangat sederhana, semua yang dapat kita temukan di dapur ataupun toko terdekat.

Recently, I have just watched a heath talk show on my cable tv, The Doctors. They're talking about making your own make up at home. The ingredients needed is also very simple, everything you could found in your kitchen or the nearest local store.

Ada beberapa kosmetik yang cara membuatnya sempat saya catat. Salah satu DIY yang sudah saya coba ulang di dapur saya adalah bronzer. Ya, bronzer salah satu jenis perias wajah yang sangat membantu kita para wanita untuk membentuk tulang pipi. Senjata andalan cewek chubby, berikut bahan dan cara membuatnya, selamat mencoba!

There're several cosmetics, which the ingredients and steps I could noted. On of this DIY that I already tried on my kitchen is bronzer. Yes, bronzer one kind of blusher that helps us, women, shaping the cheek bones. The ultimate weapon for every chubby girl, so here is the the ingredients and steps, have a try!

Bahan (Ingredients):
- coklat bubuk (chocolate powder)
- kayu manis bubuk (grounded cinnamon)
- wadah kosong (empty container)

- Siapkan wadah kosong untuk menyimpan bronzer.
  Prepare an empty container for the bronzer.

- Campur rata coklat bubuk dan kayu manis bubuk di dalam wadah tersebut.
  Mix well chocolate powder and grounded cinnamon. 

- Tidak ada patokan khusus mengenai perbandingan coklat dan kayu manis, jika menginginkan warna   yang agak terang maka gunakan lebih banyak kayu manis bubuk.
  There's not exact comparison for the chocolate and cinnamon, if you want a lighter shades then you   can put a lot more cinnamon.

- Sebaliknya jila ingin warna yang lebih gelap, gunakan lebih banyak coklat bubuk.
  Otherwise, if you want a darker shades, use a lot more chocolate.

- Voila, bronzer buatan rumah pun siap digunakan.
  Voila, home made bronzer is ready to use.

Keuntungan dari bronzer buatan rumah ini salah satunya adalah bebas bahan kimia. Anda tidak perlu takut pada zat kimia yang seringkali merusak kulit. Selain itu, bronzer ini juga harum, perpaduan aroma coklat dan kayu manis senantiasa menempel di kulit wajah Anda.

One of the advantage of this home-made bronzer that it is free of any chemicals. You don't have to be afraid of the chemicals that too often harming the skin. In spite, this will give such a nice fragrant, from the fusion of chocolate and cinnamon on your skin. 

trying to contouring cheek bones

Thursday, November 13, 2014

A Night at China Town

China Town di Kuala Lumpur, seperti China Town pada kota-kota lainnya sibuk dan ramai. Terletak di Jalan Petaling dan sangat dekat dengan Central Hub Kuala Lumpur membuat tempat ini menjadi tujuan wisata yang cukup terkenal bagi turis lokal maupun asing. Jalan Petaling sendiri sangat mudah diakses dengan kendaraan pribadi maupun transportasi umum seperti bis dan LRT, hanya saja butuh kesabaran ekstra untuk menemukan tempat parkir di sini.

Kuala Lumpur's China Town, just like any China Town in other countries busy and packed. Located in Petaling Street or Jalan Petaling and really close to Kuala Lumpur Centra Hub makes this place become a famous tourist area both for locals and foreigners. The Petaling Street itself is easy to access either by private vehicles like cars and motorcycles and also mass transportation like bus and LRT, but it takes a higher level of patience to find a parking spot here.

The signage that you can see from far far away

China Town buka dari pagi hingga malam, tapi saran saya lebih baik mengunjungi tempat saat petang menuju malam. Kenapa? Karena mulai petang akses kendaran bermotor di jalan ini dialihkan sehingga kita dapat berjalan kaki dan menikmati tempat ini dengan lebih leluasa. Selain itu, suasana China Town di malam hari juga lebih semarak dengan lampion-lampion yang tergantung sepanjang jalan. Lebih banyak pedagang yang membuka lapak yang menjual souvenir khas Kuala Lumpur di malam hari.

China Town opens from morning till late night, but my suggestion is to came here after the sun is set and night is approaching. Why? Because cars and motorcycles are redirected to other street so we could have more space to walk and enjoy this beautiful place. Besides, the ambiance of China Town at night is more festive with lanterns hanging all the all the way. There are more stalls and stores open and sell typical Kuala Lumpur's souvenirs.

Look at all these bright lanterns and the crowds

Jangan lupa untuk menawar setiap harga yang diberikan para pedagang karena mereka memang memberikan Anda harga yang cukup mahal dan memang untuk ditawar. Seringkali, para pedangang ini terkadang cukup menyebalkan karena terlalu memaksa Anda untuk membeli barang dagangan mereka. Terkadang pedangangnya juga bukan orang asli Malaysia, melainkan pada pendatang yang berusaha untuk menjual produk tiruan dengan harga mahal, seperti Dior, Hermes, dan yang paling sering Louis Vuitton. Magnet utama tempat ini sebenarnya adalah restauran Cina yang menjual berbagai variasi hidangan dari olahan daging babi, walaupun jenis makanan yang sama dapat kita temui di tempat lain, seperti di Bukit Bintang.

Do not forget to bargain the price offered by the seller, since they actually give you a higher price and it's meant to be bargained. Very often that the vendor is too pushy, with an eye to make us buy their stuff. Sometimes, the seller itself is not Malaysian but an immigrant trying to oversell fake branded products like Dior, Hermes, and the famous Louis Vuitton. The main attraction of this place is actually the Chinese restaurant offering various pork dishes, even though the same menu can be found in any other place, like Bukit Bintang.

These guys were mad at me for taking their picture instead of giving them some money

Lanjut lagi soal makanan, menu dan variasi makanan yang ditawarkan tidak jauh berbeda dengan tempat lain. Masih masakan Cina dan olahan daging babi. Selain itu, steam boat dan barbecue juga ada di sini. Rasanya lumayan enak dan tidak terlalu menguras kantong. Ada baiknya jika Anda tanyakan dulu berapa harga makanannya sebelum memesan, walaupun memang hampir setiap restauran mencantumkan harga di menu mereka.

Let's talk more about the food, the menu and food variety offered is not too far different from the other places. Still Chinese food and pork. Moreover, steam boat and barbecue is sold here too. Tasted quite good and affordable. It is better to ask the price before ordering, even almost all restaurant put the prices on their menu.

Me, trying out the steamboat

Exactly the same steamboat as in Bukit Bintang

Ada banyak penginapan di sepanjang jalan Petaling, tarif per malamnya pun cukup terjangkau untuk budget traveler  atau backpacker. Dengan semua kemudahan yang ditawarkan China Town, mulai dari makanan, souvenir, sampai akses kendaraan umum yang mudah, tempat ini layak untuk dikunjungi. Semua yang Anda butuhkan bukan?

There are plenty of lodging along the Petaling, and the rates it quite reasonably for the budget traveler or backpacker. With all the facility offered by China Town, starts from food, souvenirs, to the easy access public transportation, this place is worth visiting. All you ever need, right?

Busy and packed China Town

still in awe with the lanterns,

Monday, October 27, 2014

Boleh Kita Ulangi Lagi?

Jika bisa, boleh kita ulangi lagi? Saya janji tidak akan terlalu menunjukan betapa saya suka pada kamu. Saya janji akan terlihat lebih bahagia dan lebih banyak bicara di depanmu. Saya janji akan langsung mengutarakan kegundahan saya tentangmu langsung padamu. Saya janji tidak akan pura-pura sok jual mahal tapi tetap berharga. Saya... ah rasanya saya malas obral janji lagi. Tapi saya ingin kamu tau, akan sangat berbeda jadinya jika kita mengulanginya lagi.

Saya ingin kamu janji untuk tidak mengacuhkan saya. Janji untuk membalas pesan singkat saya secepat yang kamu bisa. Janji untuk menelfon saya saat kamu merindukan saya bukan saat kamu kesepian dan bosan. Saya ingin kamu janji bahwa kamu akan memberikan saya kejelasan dan kepastian. Karena dari semua hal yang disukai wanita, kami paling paling suka es krim dan kepastian. Kepastian akan cinta dan kesetiaan kamu. Memang sih tidak ada yang pasti di dunia ini, tapi palin tidak coba yakinkan kami.

Kami perempuan memang terkesan suka menuntut, tapi percaya deh ini semua untuk demi kebaikan kita. Setidaknya itu alibi yang paling sering kami gunakan.

Mari kembali ke kita, tentang saya dan kamu. Saya pikir kamu tau kalau saya menyukaimu. Tadinya saya pikir kamu juga punya rasa yang sama, benar tidak? Atau saya hanya berenang dalam kolam delusi tanpa batas? Kalau ya, bantu saya ke tepian, kembali pada kenyataan, walau mungkin rasanya tidak semenyenangkan berenang dalam delusi.

Tapi akan lebih indah kalau kita ulangi lagi semuanya. Saya ingin kamu melihat sisi lain saya yang mungkin akan kamu sukai. Siapa tau kita menemukan kepingan puzzle yang selama ini kita cari. Dan semuanya pun akan lengkap. Jadi, mari kita ulangi?

Warm kiss

from the middle of a lunatic fantasy

picture courtesy: 

Friday, October 17, 2014

Shop Till Drop at Bukit Bintang

Apa yang saya perhatikan dari Malaysia adalah mereka merawat bangunan dan gedung tua bersejarah mereka dengan baik, sehingga kota ini terlihat modern tapi juga klasik di saat yang bersamaan. Bukit Bintang sendiri merupakan kawasan yang nyentrik di mana gedung-gedung baru dan lama berkolaborasi satu sama lain. Ada banyak pusat perbelanjaan di kawasan Kuala Lumpur, tapi Bukit Binta menawarkan yang terbaik. Hampir semua pusat perbelanjaan di kawasan ini dapat dituju dalam hitungan menit berjalan kaki, ya jalan kaki. Jadi ini seperti dari mall ke mall ke mall untuk berbelanja!

What I have seen from Malaysia is they taken a good care of the their old historical buildings, which make the city looks modern yet vintage at the same time. Bukit bintang itself is a chic area with the old and new buildings collaborating each other. There are so many shopping malls in Kuala Lumpur, and Bukit Bintang offers the best. Almost all of shopping mall in the area can you reach within minutes walking, yeah walking! So it is mall to mall to mall to shopping!

Among all the shopping malls in Bukit Bintang, a few catch my eyes and my shopping sense for sure. And here they are:

Lot 10

Don't worry about walking from mall to mall, the pavement is big enough for all of us

Lot 10
Lot 10 sangat mudah menarik perhatian Anda dengan warna hijau cerah dari arsitektur bangunannya. Tempat ini sedikt kurang mewah jika dibandingkan dengan Pavillion, tapi tetap saja pusat perbelanjaan ini cukup besar dan akan akan mudah menemukan semua toko-toko yang sedang tren seperti Zara dan H&M di sini. Saya menghabiskan waktu yang cukup 'berkualitas' (menurut pendapat wanita, tentu saja) karena sedang ada Malaysian Mega Sale ketika saya berkunjung ke Kuala Lumpur.

Lot 10 will easily catch your eye with its bright green color. This place is less upscale compare to Pavilion, but it still quite big actually and you could find all the trendy stores like Zara and H&M here. I spent a good 'quality' time here (in women's opinion, of course) because the Malaysian Mega Sale is happening when I was here in Kuala Kumpur.

Skyscraper with a gloomy sky, another reason to shop!

Pavilion Kuala Lumpur
Terletak di awal jalan Bukit Bintang, pusat perbelanjaan ini cukup mudah ditemukan. Saya tidak sempat masuk ke dalam, tapi mall ini cukup besar dengan display merk-merk ternama diluarnya. Dari Pull & Bear hingga Zara. Dari Marc Jacobs hingga TOD's. Semua yang Anda inginkan, fashion kelas atas hingga street wear.

Located at the start of Jalan Bukit Bintang, Pavillion is quite easy to spot. I didn't make it go inside, but this shopping mall is quite big with all those well-known brands display outside. From Pull and Bear to Zara. From Marc Jacobs to TOD's. All you need to find from high fashion to street wear.

The edgy woman's heaven, Sephora!

Bangunan Sephora terpisah dengan pusat perbelanjaan lain, hanya 2 menit jalan kaki dari Pavillion. Arsitekturnya sendiri terkesan edgy dan modern, terlihat sangat gaya. Ketika masuk untuk pertama kali, seperti yang sudah seharusnya, terasa seperti surga wanita. Semua rak terisi penuh dengan parfum, riasan wajah, dan perawatan tubuh. Saya bisa menghabiskan waktu seharian hanya untuk mencoba dan membeli barang-barang di sini.

Sephora has it own building separated with the other shopping malls, only 2 minutes walking from Pavilion. The architecture itself has an edgy - modern, looks so stylish. When I entered for the first time, just like it is always be, feels like women's heaven. With all those racks full of perfumes, make up, and body care. I would spent a whole day just to try and buy things here.

Low Yat Plaza
Plaza Low Yat merupakan pusat perbelanjaan perangkat teknologi informasi yang paling terkenal di Kuala Lumpur, sebagai perbandingan di Jakarta adalah Harco - Mangga Dua. Bangunan ini terdiri dari 7 lantai yang penuh dengan toko komputer dan gadget, tempat ini akan memuaskan rasa lapar Anda akan perangkat teknologi. Pastikan Anda membandingkan harga dari beberapa toko sebelum memutuskan untuk membeli. Harganya cukup bersaing dibandingkan di Indonesia. Setelah berjalan dari toko ke toko dan Anda merasa lapar, tak perlu khawatir, ada area kafetaria di lantai paling bawah. Saya mencoba sari tebu di sini, cukup menyegarkan setelah berkeliling dari toko ke toko selama berjam-jam.

Low Yat Plaza is the most famous IT Mall in Kuala Lumpur, as a comparison this is like Harco - Mangga Dua in Jakarta. Seven floor full of computer and gadget store, this place will feed your hunger about technology devices. You need to compare the price from several store before committing to buy things here. The price is quite good in comparing with the price range in Indonesia. After strolling from store to store and you feel hungry, no worries, there is an eatery section in the lower ground.  I tried a sugar cane drinks here, quite refreshing after going around from store to store for hours.
Street performer I saw on my way back to the hotel

Enjoy the shopping sprees!

with a lot of shopping bags to carry,

Monday, September 8, 2014

Live The Life You Want

They love to tell you stay inside the lines
but something's better on the other side
-No Such Thing, John Mayer-

So yeah, live the life you want!
People may say a lot of things, but what matter the most is how you want to see yourself

Epic travel quote: "The most dangerous risk of all-- the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later." well put #travel #inspiration

Quit your job, if you hate it

Take time to rest and be with yourself

Learn foreign language

Smile to stranger, even more talk to stranger

Cook and eat delish food

Find a job you love it doesn't feel like working

Travel A LOT


Take as much picture as you can and as much as you want

Say what you really feel

Practice Yoga

Spread kindness





Move your body

Read more books

Drink tea

Grab a coffee

Try something new

Find yourself within yourself

Picture courtesy:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Eat All The Way at Alor Street

Jalan Alor Street Tag

Siapa yang tidak suka makan? Saya kira semua orang suka, dan tempat yang akan saya bahas berikut ini merupakan salah satu tempat terbaik untuk mencicipi Street Food di Kuala Lumpur. Beberapa dari Anda mungkin sudah mengetahui tempat yang cukup terkenal ini, ya Jalan Alor. Jalan Alor sendiri terletak di daerah Bukit Bintang, cukup terkenal untuk dicari.

Who doesn't love to eat? I supposed everyone does, and this place I'm about to share is one of the best place to eat street food in Kuala Lumpur, for sure. Some of you maybe already know about this so famous street called Alor Street or Jalan Alor, this street is located in Bukit Bintang Area.

Air Mata Kuching

Restaurant in Alor Street

Jalan Alor menawarkan Anda Street Food terbaik Asia, mulai dari makanan khas China, Thailand, dan Malaysia sendiri tentunya. Semua makanan ini akan memuaskan selera Anda. Lampu lampu terang di sepanjang jalan ini membuat suasana malam menjadi penuh kegembiraan. Setiap restoran berusaha untuk menarik perhatian pengunjung untuk duduk dan makan di tempat mereka. Kebanyakan resto mulai buka di sore hari, tapi ada beberapa yang buka selama 24 jam.

Jalan Alor will offer you Asian's best street food from Chinese, Thai and Malaysian's itself. All these foods are there to quench your appetite. This street is lighten up at night will make you feel joyous. Every restaurant will try their best to attract the passing people to eat at theirs. Most restaurant will open in afternoon but there are some that is open for 24 hours.

Alor Steam Boat

Variety of The Street Food

Di sini Anda akan menemukan mie wonton yang luar biasa enak, berbagai jenis dim sum, steam boat dan suguhan lezat lainnya. Tak lupa dengan rangkaian penjual buah buah eksotis khas Asia di sepanjang jalan, belum lagi minuman khas Malaysia seperti 'Air Mata Kuching'. Harga makanan di sini cukup murah, walau kebersihan bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat kita temui dengan mudah. Bagi Anda yang ingin mencicipi makanan Halal, ada baiknya untuk bertanya pada pelayan Anda mengenai bahan campuran dari masakannya. Beberapa menu bisa saja mengandung atau diproses bersama dengan daging babi.

Here you can find delicious wonton noodle, varied dim sum, roasted pork, and other delicious treats. Not to forget the exotic fruit stalls and Malaysian local beverages like 'Air Mata Kuching'. The price is quite cheap, although cleanliness is not something to offer. For you who eats Halal food, I suggest you to ask the waiter about the ingredients for some food may contains or processed with pork.  

Di Jalan Alor, Anda akan menemukan banyak sekali sekumpulan wisatawan saling bercengkerama dan makan bersama, sangat hidup. Suasana Jalan Alor pada malam hari cukup menarik. Tapi tempat ini terkesan sangat touristy, jadi jika Anda ingin melihat kehidupan Malaysia yang sesungguhnya, Jalan Alor bukan tempat yang tepat. Tapi tentunya, Jalan Alor merupakan salah satu tempat yang wajib Anda kunjungin di Kuala Lumpur.

In Jalan Alor, you may find several large group of people eating and talk to each other, drink beer till late night, it is so liven up. The night atmosphere of Jalan Alor is quite hype. Tough this place is very touristy, so if you want to find the real Malaysian's life, Jalan Alor is not the one. But still, Jalan Alor is one the must visit place when you visit Kuala Lumpur!


Monday, September 1, 2014

That Is It, That Thing

You don't understand how much I love to listen to what people are passionate about. It's my favorite.

That is it, I want to do something with that thing.

The thing that make Edison did not want to sleep because he is so curious
I want that kind of curiosity

I want to do something with curiosity just like when Einstein discover the mystery of the world

I want to be thirsty and drink and thirsty again. I want to drink and drink everything as much as I could just to prove a point.

Just to find something in this stagnant life. Like what they said, "Life is not supposed to one place"

I do not want to be old and full of regrets. Because I don't try anything, because I don't try enough thing for my thirst. For my curiosity.

I need that thing that makes Hemingway could type his book standing still and does not feel tired at all.
I want that such of eagerness

Not just sitting lazily and waiting for the payday so I could afford an escape

I will find that thing, the thing I love more than anything. But not more than the love for my family and God.

And for everyone who is as clueless as I am about life. You are not alone, I could assure you on this. Try everything until you find it. Your purpose and mission in life.

Good luck

With love

picture courtesy:

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Celebrate Tonight

Basically I just want to share this song lyric form Allen Stone called 'Celebrate Tonight'.
Listening to this song gave me some kind of chill feeling and at the same time makes me feel thrilled about life and what comes next.

I feel like everything will be alright and let's celebrate life itself for what it has already gave me.
All the happiness and sadness becomes one like a fusion. Like life is grand that we should cherish every moment, every feeling, all the success and failure. It's all a blessing in disguise. 

It's really a great song and kinda underrated by most people. So, you may try to listen and I hope the beautiful feeling that happen to me would happen to you as well. 

You can listen to the song here.
So, here's the lyric:

Everybody's feeling the strain of the nine-to-five,
Forecast is calling for rain, but we're still alive, yes, we are,
You know the sun is peeking over the clouds, and the music's tight,
Drummer playing kick-drum proud as the bass takes flight, hey, hey,

Just celebrate tonight,
There's reason to feel right,
Everyone unite,
And just celebrate tonight,

Steady, child, don't get lost in your worried mind,
Doesn't matter what it costs, matters what you find, yeah,
Forget all of the pressure from all your dead lines, hey, hey,

Just celebrate tonight,
There's reason to feel right,
Everyone unite,
And just celebrate tonight,

Don't be afraid,
'Cause the sun's still warm in the shade,
You gotta keep your chin up,
And just celebrate this day,

Just celebrate tonight,
There's reason to feel right,
Everyone unite,
And just celebrate tonight,

Celebrate tonight, yeah,
There's reason to feel right,
Everyone unite,
And just celebrate tonight, yeah,
And just celebrate tonight, everybody,
Oh, we'll just celebrate tonight.

Courtesy of

On Death and After Life

I know death is inevitably but when the time comes how can You make sure that you're ready?
What to prepare?
What about the un-ticked bucket list?

And also, if there's life after death.
I already have list of people I want to meet.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I've No Idea

I've no idea!
Whether this song is really beautiful or
the idea of you listening to this song 
at this very moment makes it beautiful.

Or maybe I just turn into another lunatic lover

*was listening to Pehli Nazar Mein by Atif Aslam 

* You can listen to the song here

Sunday, May 25, 2014


It's like drowning in the sea. You tried everything to come up to the surface but nothing's work.

The more you tried to scream the more water come into Your lung.

All you can do is wait. Wait till everything come to an end. An eternal ending.

Blue Point Beach

Saya suka sekali warna biru, bagi saya warna ini menyimbolkan ketenangan. Hal yang sama juga saya rasakan ketika pertama kali melihat pantai ini dari ketinggian, mata saya langsung disuguhi oleh berbagai gradien warna biru. Sungguh menyenangkan. 

I love blue so much, and for me it symbolize  tranquillty. The same thing I felt when I see this beautiful beach from the first time, my eyes are treated with various shades of blue. How delightful. 

Pantai ini terletak di Uluwatu, hanya beberapa menit saja dari Pantai Padang Padang. Bahkan ada beberapa wisatawan asing yang memutuskan untuk berjalan kaki dari Padang Padang ke Blue Point sambil menenteng papan surf mereka.

This beach is located in Uluwatu, only several minutes from Padang Padang beach. There even some foreigners decided to walk from Padang Padang to Blue Point while bringing their surf board. 

Untuk menikmati pantai indah ini, kita tidak perlu mengeluarkan uang banyak. Tidak ada biaya masuk, cukup dengan membayarkan biaya parkir ketika akan pulang. Murah meriah!

To enjoy this magnificent beach, we don't have to spent so much money. There's no entry fees, only need to pay for parking fees when we're about to leave. 

Sesuai namanya Blue Point, jika kita lihat dari atas tebing memang ada satu bagian dari yang warna birunya lebih cerah dari yang lain. Mungkin karena itu pantai ini dikenal dengan nama Blue Point walaupun nama asli pantai ini adalah Pantai Suluban.

Just like its name Blue Point, if we see from over the cliff there really is a point where the blue shades is lighter then the other. Maybe that's why this beach is called Blue Point eventhough its real name is Suluban Beach.

Dari tempat parkir kita harus berjalan menuruni tebing dan anak tangga yang cukup terjal.  Kita harus berjalan ekstra hati-hati untuk menuruni tebing-tebing karang itu. Dan yah, semuanya terbayar lunas ketika kita berhasil mencapai bibir pantai. 

From the parking area we have to walk to climb down the cliff and staircase which is pretty steep. The walk down the cliff should be really careful. And yeah, everything's paid off when we reach the beach.

Sampai di bibir pantai saya langsung disambut oleh gua karang yang besar dan indah. Kita tetap harus hati-hati karena ada beberapa karang di pantai ini yang terkadang tidak terlihat karena tertutup air. Cukup sakit jika kita tidak sengaja menambraknya ketika berjalan menyusuri ombak. Ombaknya cukup tinggi, itulah mengapa banyak surfer yang suka surfing di sini. 

Arriving at the beach, I greeted by a beautiful big rock cave.  Becarefull here, because there're still some rock under the water. I could be quite hurt if We accidentally hit it while walk along the wave. The wave itself in pretty high, that's why plenty of surfer like to surf here.

Sayangnya, di sini tidak ada fasilitas seperti kamar mandi atau pun shower terbuka jika kita ingin bilas setelah main air. Saya terpaksa balik lagi ke Padang-Padang untuk bilas di sana. Ada atau tidak ada kamar bilas, saya tidak melewatkan kesempatan selanjutnya untuk bisa mengunjungin pantai ini lagi.

Unfortunately, there is not facility like bathroom or outdoor shower for us to cleanse the sand left. I have to go back to Padang-Padang to use the bathroom there. Regardless it has a bathroom or not, I will not miss any chance to visit the beach again in the future.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Pantai ini semestinya tidak lagi asing di telinga kita, apalagi semenjak Eat, Pray, Love yang dibintangi Julia Roberts itu begitu booming di Indonesia. Saya masih kurang yakin apakah Padang Padang Beach ini terkenal di Indonesia karena film ini dan Julia Reoberts atau Eat, Pray, Love lah yang terkenal di Indonesia karena melakukan sejumlah pengambilan gambar di pantai ini. Tapi bagaimanapun kenyataannya, Padang Padang beach memang merupakan salah satu dari begitu banyak pantai indah di Bali.

Actually this beach shouldn’t sounds allienated to our ears,especially after Eat, Pray, Love which is played by Julia Roberts become booming in Indonesa. I’m still not sure wheter it s Padang Padang Beach became famous in Indonesia because of this movie and Julia Roberts or Eat, Pray, Love is the one that became famous in Indonesia because this movie took some shoots in this beach. But whatever the truth is, Padang Padang beach is indeed one of gazilion beautiful beaches in Bali.

Pantai ini ada di daerah Nusa Dua, sekitar 30 – 45 menit berkendara dari Kuta. Untuk sampai ke pantainya, kita harus berjalan menuruni anak tanggal di dalam gua karang, seru! Tidak lama hanya sekitar 3-5 menit saja.

This beach is located in Nusa Dua area, around 30 – 45 minutes driving form Kuta. To reach the bach, we have to go down the stairs in this rock cave, wonderous. It only take 3-5 minutes. 

Ketika kami berhasil sampai, pantai ini masih sepi sekali. Hanya ada saya, Ranisha dan dua orang turis asing. Lantas saya menitipkan tas saya ke ibu-ibu penjaga Warung (p.s. hanya ada satu warung di pantai ini) dan langsung menikmati pantai ini hingga puas. Ombaknya cukup besar mungkin inilah salah satu dari sekian banyak alasan para turis asing itu senang berselancar di sini.

When we finally reach the beach, it still really quite. There’re only me, Ranisha and 2 foreigners. Then, I immediately leave my bag to the lady who own the Warung (p.s. There’s only one Warung in this beach) and start enjoy the beach. The waves is quite big, maybe this is one of so meany reasons why the foreigners love to surf here.

Perpaduan pasir putih, air laut, bukit karang dan hutan kecil menyambut saya di sini. Dan saya pun kehabisan kata-kata untuk menggambarkan semuanya. Pasirnya yang tersa halus di kaki dan buih ombak yang begitu lembut membuat saya benar benar tenang.

The solid fusion of white sand, water, rock cliff and a little forest greet me here. And I lost my words to describe everything. The sand feels so smooth on my feet and the white foam from the waves is so mild, it really makes me calm. I feel happy in solitude. 


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bali, Bali, Tropical Bali

Bali, tempat yang seringkali kita kaitkan dengan pantai indah. Yah walaupun kita tahu tidak Cuma pantai indah yang ada di sana. Tempat ini menyimpan sejuta keistimewaan dan rahasianya sendiri.

Bali, a place where we always relate to beautiful beaches. Well, eventough we know there are not only beaches. This place holds millions of fabulosity and its own secrets.

Januari 2014, saya memutuskan untuk berkunjung sekali lagi ke Bali. Kali ini dengan sejuta rencana yang sudah saya siapkan di pikiran saya. Januari sejujurnya memang bukan bulan yang tepat untuk berkunjung ke Bali. Tapi, toh saya ngotot pergi ke sana. Hujan dari pagi hingga siang berlangsung setiap hari selama 4 hari saya di sana. Tetap saja hujan tidak menghalangi saya dan Ranisha untuk bersenang-senang di sana. Selalu ada hal baru untuk ditemukan, selalu ada hal kecil nampun berarti yang membuat kita merasa senang sepanjang hari. Mulai dari anjing-anjing ramah yang saya temui di sekitar hotel (fyi, saya takut anjing) hingga udaranya yang terus membuat saya merasa nyaman. Sepertinya, Bali memang punya atmosfer sendiri yang tidak akan kita temui di tempat lain.

January 2014, I decided to go to Bali once again. But this time, with a gazilion plans on my mind. January, indeed, is not the right time to go Bali. Still, I insist. It was raining all day, from morning till like 11 o’clock in the afternoon during my 4 days in Bali. Rain does not stop me and Ranisha to have some fun there. There’s always something new that makes me feel good all day. From the friendly dogs around my hotel (fyi, I’m afraid of dogs) to the comfy atmosphere. Well, Bali really has it’s own atmosphere and ambiance which will never be found anywhere else.

Empat hari sepertinya memang waktu yang sangat singkat untuk menikmati Bali, tapi di tengah kesibukan harian yang cukup padat, sepertinya 4 hari itu cukup memberikan saya suntikan energi ekstra. Niatnya sih saya akan me-review, menceritakan lebih tepatnya, tempat-tempat yang saya kunjungi. Mulai dari yang cukup mainstream seperti Tanjung Benoa dan Ubud sampai tempat yang sebenarnya indah tapi sepi dan belum banyak diketahui turis lokal kita. Turis asing? Nah, mereka jauh lebih mengenal Bali daripada kita.

Four days, indeed, is really short the enjoy Bali, but in midst of a pretty solid activity, seems like 4 days area quite enough to boost my energy. Actually, Im going to write some review about the places i went to. From the mainstream one loke Tanjung Benoa and Ubud to the really beautiful desolate places which our locals doesn’t really know about. The foreigner? Nah, they know Bali better than us.

Saya cukup berharap tulisan saya gak bikin kalian jenuh, maklum newbie J

I’m hoping that I don’t bored you all, knowing the fact that im just a newbie J



Friday, January 31, 2014

On The Edge of Bewilderment

I always want to be surprise by what future may holds. Sometimes I do day dreaming and create my future on my mind but then I think where is the element of surprise? But still I day dreams a lot.

I have always been in the crossroad between becoming the person I want to be or be a person people want me to be. I often want people to see me as smart, cool and successful person. I used to think that working in a prestige company would be great and people would see me differently. But do that kind of things make me happy? I can’t figured it out. Then I closed my eyes and start thinking about the things that make me happy. And I found out that I’m happy with all those little things happen in, my life. I like it when it’s raining, I also like it  when the sun shine and the weather is warm. I’m happy when I can spend time with my mom. I love watching movies, go to music show case and concert, visit the new art gallery over the town and practicing my french. I love reading the new book from my favorite writers.

If I could just choose what I wanna be, I want to be one of those brave women in Gaza. I want to be a volunteer on remote islands. Meeting all those new people, see things from their point of view. See the world with a new perspective.

But then, chance won’t knock twice. When it comes, I gotta made up my mind. And, if I let that chance away. I will left my self wondering. A man gotta do what a man gotta do.