Sunday, January 21, 2018

Visa Schengen, duh!

Travelling ke Eropa sudah sejak lama jadi impian saya dan beberapa bulan yang lalu, saya dan sepupu saya akhirnya nekat beli tiket ke PP Jakarta - Paris via Vietnam Airlines. Padahal tabungan kami saat itu juga ga cukup-cukup banget, tapi karena tiketnya cukup affordable untuk ukuran Eropa maka kami memutuskan untuk beli aja, what happen next, we'll figure it out later.

Carrousel de la Tour Eiffel
Salah satu destinasi impian saya, Carrousel de la Tour Eiffel
Tapi kami kan ga bisa berangkat cuma modal tiket aja, harus ada yang namanya VISA. Mulailah browsing sana-sini tentang proses aplikasi visa schengen, ternyata lumayan banyak syarat yang harus dilengkapi.

Setelah googling dan tanya-tanya ke teman, karena tiket saya tujuannya Paris maka akan lebih mudah untuk apply ke kedutaan Perancis. Di Indonesia, apply visa schengen via kedutaan besar Perancis dilakukan melalui agent sendiri yaitu TLS contact. Jadi untuk Indonesia dan beberapa negara lainnya, proses aplikasi visa dilimpahkan ke agent dulu baru kemudian diteruskan ke kedutaan besar. Setelah buat akun di dan mengisi form aplikasi, saya pun memilih jadwal submit dokumen, jadwalnya cukup padat, sebaiknya usahakan untuk buat jadwal dari jauh-jauh hari agar kita bisa pilih tanggal dan jam yang cocok. Tapi, kita gak bisa apply terlalu awal juga, minimal 90 hari sebelum keberangkatan.

Gedung Menara Anugarah, tempat TLSContact

Nah, setelah mengisih form aplikasi dan memilih jadwal untuk submit dokumen kita akan mendapat daftar dokumen apa saja yang harus dibawa. Cukup banyak ternyata dan yang menurut saya paling penting adalah tiket pp, bukti booking hotel, serta rekening koran. Berikutnya saya akan bahas satu per satu dokumen yang harus dibawa saat apply visa, this is gonna be a long post so brace yourself...

1. Form Aplikasi Schengen
Ini adalah form yang sudah kita isi online sebelumnya, bisa langsung download di website TLScontact. Form ini sudah terisi sesuai data yang kita input, jadi ga usah diisi manual dengan tulisan tangan :)
Satu lagi yang sempet bikin saya agak bingung adalah ketika mengisi form ini, ada kolom isian Host yang wajib kita isi. Saya sempat bingung, karena asumusi saya, host adalah tuan rumha yang mengundang dan nantinya akan menjamu kita, padahal kan saya tinggal di hotel dan tanpa undangan dari pihak manapun. Setelah googling2, jadi ternyata kolom host ini diisi saja dengan nama, alamat dan nomer telfon hotel pertama kita di negara tujuan pertama.

schengen form
Form Schengen Visa Application

2. Foto
Nah, fotonya harus yang terbaru minimal 6 bulan terakhir. Ukuran fotonya 3.5cm x 4.5cm, jadi agak kotak dan harus 70% wajah. Ga usah sedih kalau wajah kita terlihat ga banget di foto ini, soalnya ga boleh ketawa dan pastikan telinga tetap terlihat yaa. Boleh banget dandan sebelum foto, tapi make sure masih mirip muka asli kita.
Kalau saya waktu itu, kebetulan tukang fotonya udah hafal banget syarat-syarat foto visa, jadi tinggal dateng dan kasih tau aja perlu nya untuk visa negara apa, karena biasanya tiap kedutaan syaratnya berbeda.

3. Tiket Pulang Pergi
Ada yang bilang bisa bawa bookingan tiket aja, yang belum dibayar. Biasanya travel agent bisa hold dulu tiketnya sampai kita dapet visa. Tapi, karena saya nyarinya tiket murah dari jadi ya mau ga mau langsung beli, nekat aja gitu and pray for the best.

4. Asuransi Perjalanan
Ketika kita akan travelling jauh, ada baiknya untuk punya asuransi perjalanan just in case terjadi hal-hal di luar dugaan. Perusahaan  yang mengeluarkan asuransi perjalanan atau travel insurance ada banyak, kamu bisa pilih mana yang paling sesuai, setau saya ada AXA, ACA, Allianz dan masih banyak lagi.
Untuk aplikasi visa schengen sendiri, saya diwajibkan memiliki travel insurance dengan coverage sebesar EUR 30.000 atau setara dengan USD 50.000, so cek lagi biaya pertanggunan dari asuransi yang akan dibeli dan pastikan proses klaimnya mudah ya.

5. Bank Statement A.K.A Rekening Koran
Ini buat saya salah satu syarat yang terpenting, ga pernah ada aturan pasti tentang berapa uang yang harus ada di rekening kita. Ada yang bilang EUR 70 dikali jumlah hari atau juga yang bilang EUR 50. Intinya sih, mereka ingin memastikan kita ga kekurangan uang dan kesulitan selama traveling dan masih ada sisa tabungan ketika kita pulang ke Indonesia.
Untuk rekening korannya, pastikan juga selama 3 bulan terakhir rekeningnya aktif dan banyak transaksinya (p.s. ini juga dari gosip yang beredar, jadi saya ga tau pasti).

6. Bukti Booking Hotel
Saya blunder banget di sin, jadi ternyata, saya itu akan tinggal lebih lama di Italy dibandingkan Perancis, padahal kan seharusnya saya tinggal lebih lama di Perancis karena appy visa via kedutaan Perancis. Walhasil, petugas TLSContact yang baik banget itu, mengizinkan saya untuk revisi bookingan hotel dan submit kembali dokumen tersebut sebelum pukul 13.30. Segera saya turun ke lobby bawah untuk revisi jadwal hotel di dan numpang print di JNE yang terletak di basement gedung. Nah, untuk ngeprint di sini harganya 5000 rupiah per 1 halaman hitam putih ya, agak mahal memang tapi kalau kepepet ya mau gimana lagi :)

7. Surat Keterangan Kerja
Kalau ini tidak ada format khusus, bisa minta saja ke HRD aja biasanya mereka udah punya format sendiri. Pastikan aja di surat tersebut tercantum nama, alamat, no telfon, fax, cap perusahaan, nama dan tanda tangan, serta jabatan pembuat surat.  Kalau surat keterangan kerja kita dibuat dalam Bahasa Indonesia maka kita wajib untuk translate ke Bahasa Inggris atau Perancis.

8. Slip Gaji (3 bulan terakhir)
Sama seperti Surat Keterangan Kerja, tinggal minta aja ke HRD. Pastikan sudah ditanda tangan dan dibubuhkan cap perushaan tempat kalian bekerja yaa...

9. Akta lahir
Bawa yang asli, copy dan terjemahan yaa, intinya sih setiap dokumen berbahasa Indonesia, wajib diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Inggris ataupun Perancis.

10. Kartu Keluarga
Untuk yang ini, boleh bawa copynya sana dan jangan lupa untuk diterjemahkan ya.

11. Passport
Bawa copy dan asli dari passport kita yang masih berlaku sampai dengan minimal 3 bulan setelah masa visa kita berakhir dan pastikan juga masih ada halaman kosong untuk dicapVisa.

12. Passport Lama
Passport lama juga wajib kita bawa untuk melihat rekam jejak perjalanan kita sebelumnya, siapakan yang asli dan copy juga.

Kalau dari surat undangannya, cuma itu saja yang perlu disubmit, karena posisinya saya merupakan karyawan dan bukan anak di bawah umur. Untuk kalian yang merupakan pemilik bisnis, anak di bawah umur, atau mungkin belum/tidak bekerja ada beberapa persyaratan lain yang perlu dibawa, jadi cocokan lagi dengan surat undangan yang kalian terima.

Proses pembuatan visanya sendiri memakan waktu sekitar 2 minggu, selama semua dokumen kita sudah lengkap dan sesuai kemungkinan besar visa pasti diterima. Selamat mencoba ya, semoga perjalanan kalian menyenangkan.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Your 20's

It is okay to feel completely lost in your 20’s. It’s what your 20's are for, to get lost and found yourself. To be lost and be found again.
It is the age where you should do all the trial and error. Experiment with yourself for one day you will know exactly what you want.
It is okay to not knowing what you want right know, it gives you the privileged to try anything. Know your worth. It is said that you should try everything, because maybe you’re good at everything, thanks to Gamila Arief. Your view to the world will change as you grow, try to be open about any possibilities. Spread your wings. And remember that money isn’t everything, but it will help you a little. Just keep in mind to not become a money slave.


In your 20’s you make mistakes, so much mistakes. You’ll change career several times. You will love and fall out love. Your heart will be broken. You’ll change yourself. You’ll try to fit it and failed miserably. Oh, but that’s okay. Because you evolve, to be right person for you. You will stop trying to fit in, because you know your worth and you don’t need drama. You will be at the crossroads and don't know where to go. You will go nuts and clueless. You fall to pieces and then grab those pieces again to build yourself from the start. It takes time but I promise you, it worth the struggle. Look inside you, can you remember who you are before people tell who you should be?

Life will feel sucks at times, but when you stop and look around, it's actually pretty amazing. There days when you do't feel at your best at all, and all you do is just scrolling your Facebook's home page. Then there are days, when you're productive af, you know Netflix and chill. But that's okay, it's okay to be not okay, as long as you stay true to your self and you



**) One day I will do a trip across Europe, just like the Before Sunrise trilogy. Hop on from train to train to train, city to city.

Friday, March 25, 2016

25 Places You Should Visit at Least Once in Your Life

courtesy of 

1. Gare de Strasbourg - France
courtesy of

2. Paris - France
courtesy of

3. Provence - South of France
 courtesy of

4. Santorini - Greece
 courtesy of

5. Florence - Italy
 courtesy of

6. London - England
courtesy of

7. Lisbon - Portugal
courtesy of

8. Amsterdam - Holland

9. Berlin - Germany
 courtesy of

10. Vienna - Austria
courtesy of

11. Prague - Czech Republic
courtesy of

12. Budapest - Hungary
courtesy of

13. Northern Island - Iceland
courtesy of

14. Cappadocia - Turkey
courtesy of

15. Raja Ampat - Indonesia

16. Gili Trawangan - Indonesia
courtesy of

17. Goa - India
courtesy of

18. Varanasi - India
 courtesy of

19. Jaipur - India
courtesy of

20. Kathmandu - Nepal
courtesy of

21. Bangkok - Thailand
courtesy of

22. Tokyo - Japan

23. New York - USA
courtesy of

24. New Orleans - USA
courtesy of

25. Havana - Cuba
courtesy of

Friday, February 19, 2016

Djogja, will always be missed!

Djogja, the city that will always be missed and it's so good to be back. I've been to Djogja several times before but nothing like this one. Because this I went there only with my cousin and no parent, whoa!

I get there by the first train and it took me around 8 hours then we find a nice cheap hostel around the station and there our times rolls.

View en route to Djogja

Evening in Djogja

Hostel where I stay, they got some swag

Tea, my dear?

Leyeh-leyeh* at its best

Yummy breakfast they provide

Imogiri pine forest in the outskirt of town

Come, let's have some tea on the corner of the forest

Puncak Becici, several minutes walks from Imogiri pine forest

Ready for cave tubing

Beautiful Sunset from Djogja's little Hollywood

I'd rather eat at another street vendor tough

Into the Taman Sari Water Castle

This is the castle where all the queen and princess take bath

Puppet Maker around the castle

We call it Wayang

An attempt to be freed

Night in Malioboro, packed and busy

*) Leyeh-leyeh: to chill out

Monday, December 28, 2015

Life is Weird Yet So Magical

Life is weird yet so magical. Just when you think you know what you're doing, suddenly you don't know nothing at all. When you think you know exactly how you feel, suddenly you're not sure about anything. Yeah, life is that confusing.

They say, I don't need to know everything right now because everything will have its own place like a piece of puzzle. It has it own place, then I could see the big picture. But puzzle comes with instruction and life doesn't. I am curious, as curious as a baby. I want to figure out everything by now though life doesn't go that way. Most times, I want to hurry the process. On the other hand, the fact that life itself is a process, there's no life without any process.

And there is a wise word saying 'Fall in love with the process and the result will follow'. So if you asked me whether this life process is confusing me? Yes, it is but I still love it.

picture courtesy of

Sunday, December 27, 2015

A letter to my 15 years old self

10 years later, you won't even think about that boy who break your heart

In 10 years you will forget all those bigot bully

You will be comfortable in you own skin and love all the features you used to hate. You'll shine.

Don't try too hard to be somebody else, you is enough.

You'll start doing the things you love.

It's not easy, even after 10 years but you'll get through it.

It would be full of ups and down but I hope it worth the struggle.

You will stop using everything that say whitening, fair and lovely.

Because you'll love your tanned skin so much.

You'll  have a different perspective on marriages and kids but that's okay.

And you gradually will no longer care on what people might say, because who cares?

Travel abroad and spread your wings, you'll go places and meet many new people.

You'll even dye your hair green, because why not?

You cry, you fall and stumble but like air, you'll rise.

So dear,

Keep on swimming...

Thursday, July 9, 2015

On Arguments Over My Facebook Posts

the open mind | Top 10 Things that The Rich do differently that makes them Successful

I don't live to impress but to express myself. My Facebook page is a platform for me to do so. Due to that, every article, statement, or picture that I share is according to my opinions and preferences. Especially, the articles.

If any of my fellow Facebook friends, family, or acquaintance feel offended, disagree, or to the extreme, hate, the posts or articles that I share on Facebook. I suggest you to confront the publisher, writer, or researcher of those articles. Because I have zero responsibility for your own subjective opinion. I share those articles because:
a. I like the articles,
b. The research interests me,
c. The article has some beautiful values that I want to share with my fellow Facebook friends,
d. For the freedom of speech and sharing information.

And, if you for some reasons that I could not fathom, hate it. You shouldn't be allowed to:
a. Hate me for those articles,
b. Feel ashamed of me, because I shared those particular articles (FYI, it's my very own Facebook page),
c. Offended me for those particular articles.

But if the particular articles tickle your curiosity, you may:
a. Ask me any objective question and a fair discussion privately or,
b. Give a comment to discuss this matter openly, but still have to maintain an open mind and not to offend logic,
c. Stay objective.

But before you hate something and do one of those things I mentioned above, please try to read and comprehend the articles. Do not hate you don't understand.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.
Have a nice day

Prettypal Dhillon