Monday, September 8, 2014

Live The Life You Want

They love to tell you stay inside the lines
but something's better on the other side
-No Such Thing, John Mayer-

So yeah, live the life you want!
People may say a lot of things, but what matter the most is how you want to see yourself

Epic travel quote: "The most dangerous risk of all-- the risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later." well put #travel #inspiration

Quit your job, if you hate it

Take time to rest and be with yourself

Learn foreign language

Smile to stranger, even more talk to stranger

Cook and eat delish food

Find a job you love it doesn't feel like working

Travel A LOT


Take as much picture as you can and as much as you want

Say what you really feel

Practice Yoga

Spread kindness





Move your body

Read more books

Drink tea

Grab a coffee

Try something new

Find yourself within yourself

Picture courtesy:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Eat All The Way at Alor Street

Jalan Alor Street Tag

Siapa yang tidak suka makan? Saya kira semua orang suka, dan tempat yang akan saya bahas berikut ini merupakan salah satu tempat terbaik untuk mencicipi Street Food di Kuala Lumpur. Beberapa dari Anda mungkin sudah mengetahui tempat yang cukup terkenal ini, ya Jalan Alor. Jalan Alor sendiri terletak di daerah Bukit Bintang, cukup terkenal untuk dicari.

Who doesn't love to eat? I supposed everyone does, and this place I'm about to share is one of the best place to eat street food in Kuala Lumpur, for sure. Some of you maybe already know about this so famous street called Alor Street or Jalan Alor, this street is located in Bukit Bintang Area.

Air Mata Kuching

Restaurant in Alor Street

Jalan Alor menawarkan Anda Street Food terbaik Asia, mulai dari makanan khas China, Thailand, dan Malaysia sendiri tentunya. Semua makanan ini akan memuaskan selera Anda. Lampu lampu terang di sepanjang jalan ini membuat suasana malam menjadi penuh kegembiraan. Setiap restoran berusaha untuk menarik perhatian pengunjung untuk duduk dan makan di tempat mereka. Kebanyakan resto mulai buka di sore hari, tapi ada beberapa yang buka selama 24 jam.

Jalan Alor will offer you Asian's best street food from Chinese, Thai and Malaysian's itself. All these foods are there to quench your appetite. This street is lighten up at night will make you feel joyous. Every restaurant will try their best to attract the passing people to eat at theirs. Most restaurant will open in afternoon but there are some that is open for 24 hours.

Alor Steam Boat

Variety of The Street Food

Di sini Anda akan menemukan mie wonton yang luar biasa enak, berbagai jenis dim sum, steam boat dan suguhan lezat lainnya. Tak lupa dengan rangkaian penjual buah buah eksotis khas Asia di sepanjang jalan, belum lagi minuman khas Malaysia seperti 'Air Mata Kuching'. Harga makanan di sini cukup murah, walau kebersihan bukanlah sesuatu yang dapat kita temui dengan mudah. Bagi Anda yang ingin mencicipi makanan Halal, ada baiknya untuk bertanya pada pelayan Anda mengenai bahan campuran dari masakannya. Beberapa menu bisa saja mengandung atau diproses bersama dengan daging babi.

Here you can find delicious wonton noodle, varied dim sum, roasted pork, and other delicious treats. Not to forget the exotic fruit stalls and Malaysian local beverages like 'Air Mata Kuching'. The price is quite cheap, although cleanliness is not something to offer. For you who eats Halal food, I suggest you to ask the waiter about the ingredients for some food may contains or processed with pork.  

Di Jalan Alor, Anda akan menemukan banyak sekali sekumpulan wisatawan saling bercengkerama dan makan bersama, sangat hidup. Suasana Jalan Alor pada malam hari cukup menarik. Tapi tempat ini terkesan sangat touristy, jadi jika Anda ingin melihat kehidupan Malaysia yang sesungguhnya, Jalan Alor bukan tempat yang tepat. Tapi tentunya, Jalan Alor merupakan salah satu tempat yang wajib Anda kunjungin di Kuala Lumpur.

In Jalan Alor, you may find several large group of people eating and talk to each other, drink beer till late night, it is so liven up. The night atmosphere of Jalan Alor is quite hype. Tough this place is very touristy, so if you want to find the real Malaysian's life, Jalan Alor is not the one. But still, Jalan Alor is one the must visit place when you visit Kuala Lumpur!


Monday, September 1, 2014

That Is It, That Thing

You don't understand how much I love to listen to what people are passionate about. It's my favorite.

That is it, I want to do something with that thing.

The thing that make Edison did not want to sleep because he is so curious
I want that kind of curiosity

I want to do something with curiosity just like when Einstein discover the mystery of the world

I want to be thirsty and drink and thirsty again. I want to drink and drink everything as much as I could just to prove a point.

Just to find something in this stagnant life. Like what they said, "Life is not supposed to one place"

I do not want to be old and full of regrets. Because I don't try anything, because I don't try enough thing for my thirst. For my curiosity.

I need that thing that makes Hemingway could type his book standing still and does not feel tired at all.
I want that such of eagerness

Not just sitting lazily and waiting for the payday so I could afford an escape

I will find that thing, the thing I love more than anything. But not more than the love for my family and God.

And for everyone who is as clueless as I am about life. You are not alone, I could assure you on this. Try everything until you find it. Your purpose and mission in life.

Good luck

With love

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